Normal delivery – tips & preparation
For new mothers-to-be, the last trimester of their pregnancy can be a period wrought with mixed feelings. On the one hand, there is the increased exhaustion, and then there’s also the eager anticipation of getting to hold their baby.
It is only natural that they would have plenty of questions about the upcoming childbirth. While it is up to the mother to choose between a natural delivery and cesarean delivery, correct information regarding the risks and benefits associated with the procedures will help her make the right decision.
Here’s some information about the natural way of giving birth:
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What Is normal delivery?
A normal delivery occurs when the mother goes into labor either spontaneously or with the help of drugs and/or other techniques. Most types of normal delivery do not involve a surgical procedure as the infant is passed through the birth canal.
Also known as a vaginal delivery, this process may include the use of instruments and has far fewer complications than a c-section.
It is the safer option for an infant and also increases the chances of your subsequent pregnancies being free of risks.
Which factors improve your chances of normal delivery?
1) Weight:
Weight control is a crucial factor that can increase the probability of you having a normal delivery. Women who are overweight or obese are likely to have infants who weigh more than the average. In such a case, the obstetrician might recommend a c-section.
2) Stamina:
Going through labor and enduring natural childbirth requires substantially more resilience on the part of the mother. Increased stamina and endurance can aid normal delivery.
3) Fetal position:
Doctors giving advice for normal delivery often state that the position of the baby is what determines whether a normal delivery is suitable or not. When the infant has an anterior position, i.e., his/her head is facing downward, and towards the spine, it is highly preferred.
There are a few ways to encourage such positioning. Read the next section for some normal delivery tips.
Tips for normal delivery
One of the things to do for normal delivery is to ensure that you adopt some new lifestyle practices. This includes dietary changes, regular exercise, changes in sleeping and resting positions, etc.
- To urge the infant into an anterior position for a natural delivery, you must avoid lying on your back. Try and condition yourself to sleep on your side, even if you are just resting.
- Apart from that, there are some specific foods for normal delivery that you could incorporate into your pregnancy diet. Raspberries, mangoes, and pineapples are known to be good for the cervix. The latter two also stimulate labor.
- Eating healthy is extremely important. Do not skip meals, but also avoid eating high-fat foods. That is because gaining excessive weight during the term of your pregnancy could minimize your chances of having a natural childbirth. Adding whole grains and lean protein to your diet is going to provide your body with the necessary nutrients.
- You must keep in mind to exercise for normal delivery. Walking regularly, doing breathing and relaxation exercises, and yoga are some of the ways to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Speak to your doctor before you begin exercising because, depending on your trimester, they may suggest a different routine.
Signs and symptoms of normal delivery
These are some of the signs of normal delivery:
1) Pressure in the uterus:
One of the normal delivery symptoms is a feeling of increased pressure in the uterus. This marks the beginning of the labor period, and once your contractions become more regular, you are well into the first stage of natural delivery.
2) Pressure on your bladder:
As the fetus is about to be pushed out of the birth canal, you may feel the urge to urinate since the pressure has shifted onto your bladder. The same holds true for your bowels. Hence, women are asked to have an empty stomach before the process begins.
3) Increased energy:
You may experience sudden changes in energy levels. This is due to the release of adrenaline into the blood. It is your body’s way of aiding the childbirth by giving you the boost you need to push through.
4) Water breaking:
As you may well know, the amniotic sac is what holds the fetus. When you are ready for the delivery, this sac breaks and the liquid spills out. This is more commonly known as water breaking.
Why should you prefer normal delivery?
The possibilities of normal delivery vary from person to person. But so far as there are no pre-existing medical conditions that necessitate a cesarean, it is better to opt for a natural delivery.
There are several reasons for this.
- First and foremost, normal delivery is much safer for the mother and the child. You will recover faster from a normal delivery than a cesarean. Also, the several health complications associated with c-sections easily outweigh the minute benefits of the procedure.
- If you are planning to have more children biologically, a normal delivery ensures that you don’t have to undergo cesarean for the next pregnancy.
- The process of natural delivery not only secretes the essential hormones that a mother needs after delivery but also allows for lactation, which is very important for the newborn.
- Moreover, vaginal delivery ensures that your baby’s immune system is heightened because of the bacteria present in the birth canal.
What is the process of normal delivery?
The process of normal delivery has three stages:
- Going into labor
- Childbirth
- Delivering the placenta
In the labor phase, the cervix should soften and stretch. Once the cervix is completely dilated, the uterine contractions enable the infant to pass through the birth canal.
On the whole, it lasts around 36-48 hours if there is no surgical incision involved. In contrast, a c-section can go on for 72-108 hours as both the child and mother get hospitalized for a longer duration.
In the year 2018-19, as many as 33.80% of childbirths at private facilities were a result of caesareans, according to a report by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in India. That is an alarmingly higher rate in comparison to the normal standard of 10-15% set by the World Health Organization.
No expecting mother should go through such a beautiful phase of life without expert guidance. Visit CK Birla Hospital and consult our obstetrician to decide a path that is best for you and your child.