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What to expect in the third trimester
What to expect in the third trimester

Things you need to know

Things you need to know

What is the third trimester of pregnancy?

What is the third trimester of pregnancy?

The final 7th, 8th and 9th months of pregnancy mark the third trimester.  In the final stage, your baby matures fully and prepares itself as well as your body for labour and childbirth. 

For some women, childbirth may happen earlier than 40 weeks. While for others, obstetricians may need to induce labour if the third trimester exceeds 40 weeks. This trimester ends whenever your baby is born.  

Third trimester symptoms

Third trimester symptoms

Your body will change remarkably as you approach the final stage of your pregnancy. You can expect the following third trimester symptoms or bodily changes to happen: 


Fetal development

Fetal development

Your fetus continues to grow in weight and size during the last trimester of pregnancy. The most significant fetal change during this phase is in the position of your baby as it turns itself head-down. Other fetal development milestones in the third trimester include: 


Dos and don’ts of the third trimester

Dos and don’ts of the third trimester

It is important for you to remain healthy in order to give your baby a healthy start. Here are some things to do and things to avoid during the third trimester of pregnancy. 



Expecting mothers should get sufficient rest and sleep for nearly 8 hours every day.

Warning symptoms include severe pain and discomfort in the abdomen, extreme nausea and vomiting, bleeding, pain and burning during urination and rapid weight gain. 

Early signs of labour include contractions, cramps and increased backache, losing your mucus plug and cervical dilations.

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