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Tips For Healthy Orthopedic Care In Winter

Puja Arora Bhatnagar Featured Image

Winter is already knocking at our doors and the season of ice-cold winds is here! However, a drop in the temperatures often worsens bone-related issues. While these complications are the worst in senior citizens, people of all ages should stay a little extra cautious about their bone health during winter.

Most orthopedic surgeons suggest specialized care for their patients during winter. Some of the best orthopedic doctors in Gurgaon practicing at CK Birla Hospital and have started dedicating more time to providing additional tips to their patients, helping them keep their bones healthy in winter.

If you are looking forward to enjoying the season and keeping your bone health intact, here are a few important tips for healthy orthopedic care in winter:

Do Not Stay Still for Too Long

During winter, mobility is the key to maintaining your bone health. Do not keep your body still for too long. People often feel extremely lazy during winter and tend to spend a lot of time huddled in their blankets. However, low-impact activity affects your joints and makes them susceptible to various complications.

Even if you are not willing to leave your house, it is advisable to keep your limbs mobile by walking around in your room, using your treadmill, or indulging a little more in your daily chores.

Maintain A Healthy Body Weight

Sweets taste best during winter! However, the pain of joint surgery is equally painful. Prevent your body from putting on additional weight during the winter. Maintain a healthy body weight according to your BMI throughout the season to keep your bones healthy. Additional weight puts extra pressure on your bones.

Especially if you are over 40 years of age, it is very important to check the unhealthy winter weight gain. As the winter has set in, dieticians around the world have started spreading awareness by seeking healthcare marketing services about maintaining a healthy weight.

Keep Your Hands and Feet Covered

Especially if you are going out in the cold weather, make sure you keep your hands and feet covered. Keeping them warm and cozy prevents your bones from bearing the brunt of the season. Even if your bones are slightly weak or recovering from an injury, they start aching when exposed to a cold environment.

It is advisable to leave your house wearing gloves and socks. If you are driving, you can keep a pair of gloves in your car. Warm clothes act as good insulation and help you keep your bones healthy.

Stay Calm and Composed

If you already suffer from bone or muscle-related issues, keeping your senses calm during the winter is important. You must have noticed people (especially older) complaining about their joint aches getting worse during winter. This is because stress contracts your muscles and makes your bones stiff.

This involuntary response makes your bones vulnerable and worsens the issues you already have. A lot of people prefer applying ointments or muscle pain creams to achieve a calming effect. You can also take a warm bath to stay calm and composed during the winter.

Do Not Hesitate to Drink More Water

Contrary to popular belief, drinking plenty of water is equally important during summers and winters. Dry air often makes you feel dehydrated too quickly. Keep yourself dehydrated by drinking water at room temperature or making yourself a hot cup of tea.

The amount of water you drink affects how your bones function. Water carries calcium and other healthy nutrients to your bones, keeping them healthy. In a season when your bones are already more susceptible to issues, it is advisable to prevent your body from getting dehydrated.

Keep Your Diet Healthy and Balanced

Winter is a season when you may experience a lot of unhealthy cravings and experience multiple temptations. However, if you want to keep your bones healthy, it is important to keep your diet healthy and balanced.

Include a variety of foods like leafy vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and whole grains in your diet to ensure healthy bones. Try your best to steer away from processed foods that are high in saturated fat and sugar. Along with keeping your bone health in check, eating a healthy and balanced diet will prevent you from getting obese.

Ask Your Doctor About Supplements

If you are older or are dealing with bone-related issues, it is advisable to consult your orthopedic doctor about the need for supplements during winter. Some doctors suggest increasing the intake of vitamins like vitamin D and K once the weather gets cold. Make sure you take such supplements only after being advised by your doctor.

Indulge In Early Morning Exercises

While getting out of bed feel like the worst thing to do on a winter morning, early morning exercises can work wonders for your bones during winter. As discussed earlier, mobility is important to ensure sound bone health. When you exercise, your blood flow, heart rate, and breathing improve. Exerting a little extra pressure on your bones makes them tougher and more resistant to various health complications.

Ideally, healthcare experts recommend 30 minutes of low-to-medium intensity workout every morning to keep your bones and muscles healthy. Along with keeping you safe from bone-related diseases, this also helps you stay in shape by the time you hit the beach in the summer!

Avoid Excessive Alcohol Consumption

You must have seen people who enjoy alcohol use its warming tendency as an excuse to drink more during the winter. Know that alcohol hampers your bone density and increases the chances of osteoporosis. Make sure you refrain from excessive alcohol consumption just because it has a warming effect on your body.

The Final Word

These were some of the most important tips for effective orthopedic care during the winter. While enjoying the season and everything that it brings along, make sure you do not take your bone health for granted. If you feel even slight abnormalities or meet with an accident you think has damaged your bones, seek immediate help from your orthopedic.

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