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Things you need to know

Things you need to know

Signs of labour pains

Signs of labour pains

Labour is the process when your body begins to prepare for childbirth and experiences contractions. 


Labour pains affect every woman in a unique manner. Watch out for the following symptoms of labour:


Tips to cope with labour pains

Tips to cope with labour pains

While in the early stages of labour, your obstetrician will help you cope with labour pains. There are several methods you can apply to help deal with this intense pain. Common techniques include: 


Stages of labour

Stages of labour

The process of labour is divided primarily into 4 stages- 



The most common early signs of labour include strong and frequent contractions and pain in your lower belly and lower back pain. 

Every woman experiences labour in a different manner. Some women experience silent labour meaning they do not realise that they are in labour until the last minute of labour. It is because of painless contractions. 

In some women, babies move more quickly before labour. However, it is not a common sign. 

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