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Things you need to know

Things you need to know

About gallstones

About gallstones

Gallstones are small, hard crystals that form inside the gallbladder. What causes gallbladder stones is high-levels of cholesterol in bile. Bile is a fluid used in digestion. It is produced by the liver and gets stored in the gallbladder. Bile fluid promotes digestion by breaking down fluids and nutrients. 

Gallstone symptoms vary from one person to another. Some people do not experience any symptoms at all while others experience sudden and sharp abdominal pain, intensifying pain in your back and shoulder as well as nausea and vomiting. 

A healthy gallbladder diet can help in relieving symptoms of the disease.

Food for gallbladder stone

Food for gallbladder stone

There is no specific diet that can treat gallstones. However, certain foods can help in relieving symptoms and maintain the health of your gallbladder. 

Food for gallbladder stone should include:

Plenty of fruits and vegetables – You should eat at least five portions of colourful fruits and vegetables each day. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and soluble fibre and are low in calories. 

Starchy carbohydrates – Bread, rice, cereals and potatoes are some food items you can eat to maintain the health of your gallbladder.

Low-fat dairy products – You should aim to consume 2-3 portions of dairy products such as milk and yoghurt.

High-fibre foods –  Foods rich in fibre support your digestive health by enhancing the movement of food as well as preventing the production of secondary bile fluids. Furthermore, fibre helps in reducing cholesterol levels. 

Healthy fats – Unsaturated, healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids help protect the gallbladder against the development of stones. Fish, seeds and walnuts are good sources of healthy fats.

Coffee – Coffee is known to have substances that balance chemicals and promote the health of your gallbladder. However, you should ensure to consume it moderately as excessive caffeine can cause dehydration.

Calcium – Calcium is an essential nutrient to reduce your risk of gallbladder disease. You can include dark leafy green vegetables, low-fat dairy foods and orange juice to your diet to boost your calcium intake.

Gallbladder foods to avoid

Gallbladder foods to avoid

There are certain foods that can trigger the development of gallstones. If you are at an increased risk of gallbladder disease, you should avoid the intake of such trigger foods

Gallbladder foods to avoid include:

Other lifestyle tips

Other lifestyle tips

Besides a healthful diet, you can improve your overall gallbladder health by living a healthy lifestyle. 


Sudden and increasing pain in the abdomen as well as back pain and nausea and vomiting are some early signs of gallstones.

Yes, you can eat bananas if you have a gallstone as bananas contain vitamin C and B6 which are good for your gallbladder. 

A healthful diet can help break up and flush out gallstones without surgical intervention.

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