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Everything About Wrist Tendonitis


What is wrist tendonitis?

Like any joint, the wrist depends on tendons (thick and fibrous cord that attaches bones and muscles) and tendonitis is a type of inflammation that occurs in the wrist. Tendonitis wrist can appear as an outcome of a wound or a continuous motion of the wrist that forces the tendon to rub against other bodily tissues, such as bone.

A person’s wrist has numerous tendons. Jointly, they allow the activity of the wrist, hand, and fingers. Any of the tendons can have tendonitis because of the impact of injuries and overuse. 


What are the probable symptoms of wrist tendonitis?

You experience discomfort or difficulty in carrying out specific movements, which involve using more of your hands and wrists. Common activities would include opening jars, rotating door knobs, or holding up pets, babies or small children.

Apart from this the immobility of the wrist or “catching” or a popping feeling when dragging your wrist or fingers can also indicate towards wrist tendonitis.

Another symptom can be swelling around your wrist or the base of your fingers.

Specifically any form of discomfort along the side of the wrist, close to the thumb or small finger can definitely indicate the onset of wrist tendonitis.


What are the possible treatments for wrist tendonitis?

Maximum patients find relief from pain through a mixture of conservative (nonsurgical) remedies. Your healthcare professionals may recommend:

  • Medication: Use of prescribed nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help reduce discomfort and inflammation. In some extreme circumstances, your healthcare practitioner may suggest steroid injections for pain relief.
  • Therapy: Physiotherapists can help you recover from this using various exercise techniques. Well guided physiotherapy will help restore the power, mobility and capacity of motion in your wrist and fingers. Gradually you will find typing or lifting things less painful.
  • RICE method: At-home remedies such as rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE) can work to minimize wrist swelling and pain

    • Rest: The most effective treatment for wrist tendon pain is rest. Experts always advise to avoid resisting the discomfort, instead it is better if you stop activities involving your wrist so that your tendons can get some time to heal by themselves.
    • Ice: Within every two hours hold your hand in upward direction and put ice on your wrist for 20 min.
    • Compression: If the pain is manageable the doctor will prescribe a way to keep the wrist protected and safe from further damage.
    • Elevation: Make sure your hand is above the level of your heart and put a towel between the ice and your skin to stop any harm to your skin.
  • Splinting: A splint is a support mechanism that helps to stabilise and immobilise your wrist and sometimes your fingers. Your doctor might recommend a custom splint depending on the location of the problem and its severity. 


What causes tendonitis in the wrist?

Any tendon can grow pain and cause discomfort, but tendonitis is more ordinary in a few specific tendons. That’s due to their anatomy plus common actions.

Tendonitis can be caused by:



Repetitive movement

It’s tough to pinpoint the exact cause of wrist tendonitis, but mostly it is associated with wrist strain, overuse, repetitive action, or infection. It may also appear as a result of diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis. Tendonitis can also be provoked by a sudden concussion to the wrist, for example, as the outcome of an accident or fall.


What is the recovery time for wrist tendonitis?

After surgery, the wrist will be immobilized to benefit the healing procedure. Roughly for three to four weeks, the wrist is put in splint for about a week or a brace. The progress of the wrist tendonitis treatment process is monitored, usually through the help of an imaging machine. The healing process takes about six to seven weeks and is completely healed after that. Tendonitis infrequently recurs after surgery. Nonetheless, it is extremely significant to follow all of the post-operative instructions to minimise complications.


How Can I Prevent Wrist Tendonitis?

The most beneficial method to prevent the occurrence of wrist tendonitis is to re-do your activities that aggravate it. This may include:

  • Taking regular breaks from activities can help heal tendonitis wrist\
  • Makeover your desk setup and go for  ergonomic equipment
  • Try to reduce the load on tendons when by modifying posture, stretching or strengthening
  • Avoid doing strength exercises
  • Stretching before and after workout
  • Using a protecting splint as suggested by your physiotherapist



Wrist tendon in hand and wrist normally fades away with some rest, proper medication, injections or splinting. Some people require surgery, though. If you have a job or play a sport that requires repetitive movements of your wrist, be sure to take frequent halts to rest and stretch your wrists. When in pain speak or consult with a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.


FAQ’s –

Can you get tendonitis in your wrist

Yes, wrist tendonitis is common and can happen to you because of trauma, accidents, repetitive actions of the wrist. 

What does tendonitis feel like in the wrist?

Generally a tendonitis wrist feels like an ache or pain in the affected area, also sometimes comes with immobility and swelling in the wrist. 

Should I massage wrist tendonitis?

No, one should stop massaging the particular area in tendonitis as it can additionally irritate the swelling tendon. To reduce the inflammation you can use some ice. 

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