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What is gastroparesis?

What is gastroparesis?

Gastroparesis is a stomach disorder that occurs when one’s stomach takes an unduly long time to empty food.

This condition affects the muscles of the stomach and can cause various symptoms, such as a bloated feeling in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, acid reflux, and weight loss.

While gastroparesis is not curable, suitable medical intervention can manage the symptoms to a great extent. Patients with a gastroparesis diagnosis need not be despondent. They can get relief through medication, and only in extreme cases would they have to undergo surgery.

Symptoms of gastroparesis

Symptoms of gastroparesis

Gastroparesis symptoms are generic and can be confused with other diseases, which makes it difficult to diagnose.

Early signs of gastroparesis may include any or all of the following symptoms:

It is common for those with gastroparesis initially to not experience any noticeable signs and symptoms.

Causes of gastroparesis

Causes of gastroparesis

There are no known gastroparesis causes. The general theory is that it occurs due to the disruption of nerve transmission in the stomach.

If a patient’s stomach nerves get affected, they may develop gastroparesis. It will then cause the food to move slowly in the stomach. Knowing what causes the nerves to get affected could lead to a cure.

Diagnosis of gastroparesis

Diagnosis of gastroparesis

As mentioned earlier, this condition is not easy to diagnose.

Gastroparesis is a diagnosis of exclusion. It means that patients might not have a conclusive gastroparesis diagnosis; it is not conclusive the way identification of the malarial parasite in the blood confirms malaria. Which is why it needs more investigative procedures and experts with good experience to diagnose the problem.

We examine patients and ask a series of medical-related questions to eliminate other medical conditions that might cause the symptoms. Then, we recommend the following tests:

Treatment of gastroparesis

Treatment of gastroparesis

Gastroparesis treatment does not cure the disease because it is a chronic medical condition. However, receiving the correct treatment does help patients manage their symptoms and give them some relief.

Additionally, if the patient has diabetes, they need to keep their blood sugar levels in check to combat gastroparesis.

Here are some medications patients might have to take:

Surgery for gastroparesis

Surgery for gastroparesis

If patients’ gastroparesis symptoms do not reduce with medication, we might recommend surgery. One such surgical procedure is gastric electrical stimulation.

It involves inserting a device into the digestive system, which directs mild electric shocks to the stomach muscles. This is performed using a battery-operated device, and we can adjust the duration and intensity of the electrical impulses.

Another surgical procedure that is more invasive is called gastric bypass. Here, our surgeons create a pouch using the tissue from the stomach. They then attach this pouch to the patient’s small intestine.

The pouch restricts food intake, thereby reducing the effects of gastroparesis. Gastric bypass is most effective for diabetic and obese patients and is considered the most effective form of gastroparesis treatment.

Risk factors for gastroparesis

Risk factors for gastroparesis

As mentioned earlier, it is difficult to pinpoint gastroparesis causes. However, studies reveal that it affects women more than men. It is commonly caused by diabetes. It can also occur due to damage to the stomach nerves.

Some of the classic risk factors for gastroparesis are:



Gastroparesis isn’t a life-threatening disease. However, it can cause severe discomfort and complications like dehydration and malnutrition. It does not significantly impact life expectancy, but it does reduce the quality of life. With a qualified gastroparesis diagnosis and the correct treatment, patients can find some relief from the disease.

Patients experiencing gastroparesis symptoms can get timely diagnosis and compassionate care under the able guidance of our experienced gastroenterologist at the CK Birla hospital. Our gastroenterology department employs highly-qualified healthcare professionals who can provide you with timely treatment using state-of-the-art technology using advanced equipment and techniques.

Book an appointment with Dr Anukalp Prakash, who will facilitate the best possible line of treatment for you.

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