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Invasive Breast Cancer

What Does an Invasive Breast Cancer Diagnosis Look Like?

What Does an Invasive Breast Cancer Diagnosis Look Like?

There are various types of breast cancer. But, most breast cancers start in and around the area of the milk-producing glands.

Invasive breast cancer occurs when cancer spreads from these milk-producing glands and moves outwards onto the healthy breast tissues.

With early invasive breast cancer detection and treatment, the survival rates are highly optimistic, and patients can expect a promising life expectancy.

Invasive breast cancer types

Invasive breast cancer types
  1. Invasive ductal carcinoma: The anatomy of the breast includes various parts, such as the nipple, areola, milk ducts, lobes, lobules and fatty tissue. The lobes are small sac-like structures inside which the lobules are located. These lobules are glands that produce breast milk.

    The lobules are connected to the nipple through milk ducts. It is through these ducts that the milk passes from the lobules to the nipple. Invasive ductal carcinoma is cancer in the milk ducts.

    Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) starts in the lining of the milk ducts, and over time, the cancer progresses out into the surrounding healthy breast tissue.

    Invasive ductal carcinoma accounts for around 80% of all invasive breast cancer diagnoses in patients. Based on how the cancer cells look, oncologists have identified a few subtypes with IDC. These account for less than 5% of overall invasive breast cancer types:

    • Medullary carcinoma
    • Mucinous carcinoma
    • Adenoid cystic carcinoma
    • Metaplastic carcinoma
    • Tubular carcinoma
    • Papillary carcinoma
    • Micropapillary carcinoma
    • Mixed carcinoma
  2. Invasive lobular breast cancer: This invasive breast cancer accounts for 10% of all breast cancers diagnosed. It starts inside the lobules, and as cancer progresses, the cancerous cells spill out of these lobules and spread to other healthy breast tissues.

    While many breast cancers grow in the form of lumps that are easier to detect through physical examination and mammograms, the ILC grows in lines. Without the clumping of the cancerous cells, it is more difficult to identify if patients have ILC.

Who can get invasive breast cancer?

Who can get invasive breast cancer?

Invasive breast cancer is most common in women and other female-bodied people who are:

  1. Above the age of 55
  2. Overweight or obese
  3. Pregnant or have given birth after the age of 35

Invasive breast cancer symptoms

Invasive breast cancer symptoms

Invasive breast cancer stages

Invasive breast cancer stages

Diagnosing invasive breast cancer

Diagnosing invasive breast cancer

In order to decide the correct invasive breast cancer treatment for each patient, doctors use the following breast cancer diagnosis methods:

Invasive breast cancer treatment

Invasive breast cancer treatment

Depending on their invasive breast cancer stages, patients will be provided with a combination of the following treatments:

Survival rates for invasive lobular breast cancer and invasive ductal carcinoma

Survival rates for invasive lobular breast cancer and invasive ductal carcinoma

The five-year survival rate for invasive ductal breast cancer is almost 100%, provided treatment is given at the earliest. If ductal carcinoma has pervaded other breast tissues, this rate comes down to 86%. If it has metastasised, the survival rate is at 28%.

As with ductal carcinoma, the five-year survival rates for invasive lobular breast cancer is 100% with early diagnosis and treatment. But the survival rate is 93% if the cancer has spread to other breast tissues. During metastasis, the survival rate comes to 22%.

In conclusion

In conclusion

Invasive breast cancer occurs when cancer spreads from these milk-producing glands and moves outwards onto healthy breast tissue. It is most common in women. While Breast Cancer is on the rise in India, awareness has been the best way to deal with this problem. Getting timely expert opinion has saved many lives.

Oncologists at the CK Birla Hospital’s dedicated Breast Centre in Gurugram, have treated many patients undergoing different stages of invasive breast cancer. The team will conduct a thorough diagnosis and create a detailed treatment plan to help nurse you back to good health.

Contact us today for invasive breast cancer treatment and book an appointment with Dr (Prof.) Amit Javed.

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