Doctor Code Of Practice
- Make the care of your patient your first concern
- Keep your professional knowledge and skills up-to-date
- Adhere to the hospital policies, and clinical guidelines and protocols
- Support research and training in the hospital
- Provide a good standard of practice and care
- Recognize and work within the limits of your competence
- Take prompt action if you think patient safety, dignity or comfort is being compromised
- Facilitate review and audit of clinical policies and outcomes
- Ensure transparency and accuracy of all reported data
- Monitor and measure your own performance at regular intervals
- Engage in all activities directed towards continuous quality improvement
- Treat patients politely and considerately, respecting their dignity
- Listen and respond to patients’ concerns and preferences — give them adequate time and attention
- Be prompt and punctual with your patients and co-workers
- Respect patients’ rights to confidentiality and privacy
- Do not judge or comment on patients’ conduct, behaviour or history
- Give patients the information they want and need in a way they can understand
- Adopt technology that allows you to provide a better patient experience
- Encourage a working culture of equality and respect for all, especially our nursing staff
- Work with colleagues in ways that best serve the patients’ interests — you are a part of a care team that also include nurses and other staff
- Prescribe only when it is clinically indicated
- Be transparent and honest in all your activities
- Never discriminate unfairly against patients or colleagues
- Do not advise patients based on commercial incentives
- Avoid situations that may be construed as a conflict of interest
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