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Colon Polyps


A colon polyp is a small clump of cells that develops on the lining of the colon. Colon polyps are harmless in most cases. However, over time some colon polyps can develop into cancer, which may be life-threatening if found in its later stage.

Anyone can develop colon polyps. However, you are at a higher risk if:

Colon polyps usually don’t cause symptoms. Therefore, it’s important to have regular screening tests, such as colonoscopy to detect it in the early stage. Colon polyps detected in the early stage can be removed safely and completely.

Symptoms of colon polyps
Symptoms of colon polyps

Since most people with colon polyps don’t experience any symptoms, you might also not know if you have colon polyps until the doctor finds it during the examination of your colon.

However, some people with colon polyps may experience the following symptoms:

When to see a doctor
When to see a doctor

Visit a specialist doctor if you experience the following:

You should have regular screening for polyps:

Causes of colon polyps
Causes of colon polyps

Research suggests that polyps are found in about 30% of the adult population over the age group of 45-50. A polyp is the result of genetic changes in the cells of the colon lining.

Several factors increase the risk or rate of these changes, including but not limited to:

Diagnosis of colon polyps
Diagnosis of colon polyps

A doctor recommends a few diagnostic tests and screening to diagnose colon polyps, including:


The best way to treat colon polyps is to remove them. The doctor removes the polyps during a colonoscopy. After that, they examine the polyps. In some cases, the doctor can get rid of polyps without performing surgery.

However, the doctor performs surgery if polyps are large and can’t be removed during the colonoscopy. In most cases, this can be done during laparoscopic surgery, which is a minimally invasive procedure.


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