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Things you need to know

Things you need to know

-Food cravings can be a result of physical or mental factors.
-Long before you realise you're pregnant, your dietary preferences begin to shift substantially.
-Many pregnant women develop an intolerance to or dislike some strong foods which they feel are whiffy.

Uncontrollable food cravings

Uncontrollable food cravings

There isn’t any scientific reason why pregnant women have food cravings because no one really knows why pregnant women develop such uncontrollable cravings. Food cravings are developed out of no where; they may be related to something they saw, heard or read about a particular food. For example:- watching some random cooking video online might trigger a craving for it. 

How to reduce food cravings

How to reduce food cravings

There is nothing wrong with having food cravings while you are pregnant. It is fine to give in to want for food every now and then. What matters is that you consume the correct foods and try to stay away from unhealthy foods because good food equals a good mood. If you eat healthy food, you will be happier and less irritable.

How to deal with unhealthy urges:

How to deal with unhealthy urges:

Food cravings in early pregnancy

Food cravings in early pregnancy

Nutrients essential for the mother and the baby

Nutrients essential for the mother and the baby

Folic Acid

Folic acid is considered one of the most important vitamins during pregnancy. It helps to increase the blood supply and protects the baby from any neural tube defects. Pregnant women can consume vitamins through green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, lentils, beans, and nuts.


During pregnancy, your iron requirements increase, and so it is important to eat foods rich in iron content like green vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts, meat and doctor-recommended supplements.


Protein consumption is essential for a baby’s growth throughout pregnancy. Protein-rich foods are meats, fish, eggs, almonds, peas, beans, and soy products.

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