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Male sexual disorders

Male sexual disorders are physical or psychological problems that cause sexual dysfunction in men
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The Department of Urology at the CK Birla Hospital is an esteemed centre for male sexual dysfunction treatment. We understand that male sexual problems can be distressing and cause embarrassment to men. Our care team, hence, offers a comprehensive and confidential approach to patients who visit us for these issues. Our state-of-the-art medical infrastructure is the most modern and equipped to provide tailor-made treatments to enhance your quality of sex.

Our urology specialists

Our urology specialists

About male sexual disorders

Male sexual disorders are a group of conditions that affect a man’s sexual performance and prevents him and his partner to have sexual satisfaction. Male sexual dysfunction can be a result of physical or psychological problem. These problems can affect men in any age group, however, they are more prevalent in older men.

Causes of male sexual disorders

Physical causes of male sexual dysfunction:
  • Low levels of testosterone
  • Side-effects of medications
  • Blood vessel disorders
  • Stroke
  • Nerve damage
  • Smoking, alcoholism and substance abuse

Psychological causes of male sexual dysfunction:
  • Low-self esteem
  • Relationship problems
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Past sexual trauma
Common male sexual disorders

Erectile dysfunction – Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a male sexual problem in which men cannot get or hold a penile erection to have sexual satisfaction. ED is also known as impotence. It is characterised when a man suffers from erectile dysfunction for a few months. One or two incidences of poor sexual performance cannot be determined as erectile dysfunction. 

Premature ejaculation – Premature ejaculation is a condition in which a man experiences ejaculation earlier than he or his partner would like. It is diagnosed based on the factors such as how long and frequently a man has this problem. Premature ejaculation is a highly common condition affecting around 30-40% of men. 

Low libido – Low libido or loss of sexual drive in men is one of the most common male sexual problems. This problem is characterised when men lose or experience a decreased desire to participate in sexual activity. It is mostly linked to a man’s psychological, emotional, physical and mental wellness.

Diagnosis of male sexual disorders

The tests and procedures done to diagnose male sexual disorders differ for each condition. However, your urologist will start with some common preliminary diagnostic tests, that include:

  • Blood tests 
  • Blood pressure checkup 
  • Digital rectal exam 
  • Examination of your reproductive organs

Your healthcare provider will have a detailed discussion with you regarding your medical history, sexual history, your symptoms, their severity and your relationship issues. 

Treatment of male sexual disorders

Male sexual dysfunction treatment depends upon your diagnosis, your overall health, age and type of condition. Your urologist will take a different approach for erectile dysfunction treatment and a varied approach for other conditions. 

Common treatment protocols include:

  • Medication 
  • Counselling 
  • Hormone therapy 
  • Medical aids like penile implants

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One of the many ways to control ejaculation is to tighten your pelvic floor muscles, hold the contraction for nearly 3 seconds and relax for another 3 seconds.

Causes of erectile dysfunction include heart disease, clogged blood vessels, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

In order to increase your sex drive, you should get sufficient sleep, reduce your stress levels, practise mindfulness, exercise and eat a healthy diet.

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