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Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Tarsal tunnel syndrome is a condition that occurs when there is repeated pressure that affects and results in damage to the posterior tibial nerve. The tibial nerve runs through the tarsal tunnel i.e a passage of bones and ligaments in your ankle. This damage to the tibial nerve occurs when the nerve is compressed due to consistent pressure


Following are the symptoms of Tarsal tunnel syndrome:-

Other symptoms may be elevated if strenuous physical activity is done. Symptoms and signs may vary from individual to individual. If it is long-standing pain then the patient might experience pain and burning sensations even when at rest.


The most common cause of tarsal tunnel syndrome is when there is too much pressure or compression of the tibial nerve. Following are other causes of tarsal tunnel syndrome.


To diagnose tarsal tunnel syndrome, the doctor will examine your ankle and ask the patient what all symptoms he/she is experiencing. 

Below are some tests done to rightly diagnose the condition:-


Below are some treatment methods done to manage tarsal tunnel syndrome

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