A bunion is a bony lump that grows and develops at the base of your big toe’s joint. It happens when the bones at the front of your foot start to slide out of place. This pulls the tip of your big toe toward your smaller toes, causing the joint at the base of your big toe to protrude. The skin around the bunion may be inflamed and irritated.
The signs and symptoms of a bunion include:
- Corns or calluses
- A bulging bump on the outside of the big toe
- Swelling, redness or soreness around your big toe joint
- Have limited movement in your big toe
- Ongoing pain or pain that comes and goes
Even though there are several theories as to why and how bunions develop, the exact cause of bunions is still unknown.
Factors likely include:
- Injuries
- Foot fractures
- Deformities present at birth
These factors might increase your risk of bunions:
- High-heeled shoes
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Wearing shoes that don’t fit properly
- Wearing shoes that are either too light, too pointy or too tight
The doctor will easily be able to identify or examine the foot and help determine that the overgrowth on the toe is bunions.
The treatment of bunions depends on the severity of the growth and its pain. There are two types of treatment methods that can be followed- Non-surgical and surgical.
Non-surgical Treatment
- OTC medications to relieve swelling and pain
- Padding or using cushions to ease the pain
- Wearing ortho shoes that are soft and comfortable to wear
- Applying ice/hot packs to improve circulation
Surgical Treatment
- Taking care of the swelling tissue around your big toe joint
- Removing a portion of the bone from your big toe, to help straighten it