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Placental Abruption

Separation of the placenta from the inner wall of the uterus
Things to know:

Things to know:

- Placental abruption is a rare pregnancy complication that may result in severe bleeding
- Placental abruption might affect the baby’s growth thereby causing preterm birth or stillbirth
- If there is any vaginal bleeding while being pregnant or if you experience any vaginal bleeding it is suggested to visit the hospital for examination to eliminate the risk of placental abruption

About Placenta

About Placenta

During pregnancy, the placenta is a transitory organ that forms in the uterus and delivers all essential nutrients to the fetus. It is placed on the upper part of the uterus and detaches normally through the uterine wall once you deliver the baby.

What is Placental Abruption

What is Placental Abruption

Placental abruption is a rare but critical and serious condition of pregnancy. In this, the placenta detaches way too early either partially or totally. There can be several reasons behind this, the baby might not be getting enough oxygen and nutrition required in the womb, therefore, causing your placenta to separate from the uterus.

Types of Placental Abruption

Types of Placental Abruption

Symptoms of Placental Abruption

Symptoms of Placental Abruption

Placental abruption symptoms vary from person to person. The following are examples of known symptoms or signs:

Causes of placental abruption

Causes of placental abruption

Placental abruption is frequently caused by an unexplained etiology. Trauma or injury to the abdomen or a sudden loss of the fluid that surrounds and cushions the baby in the uterus can be a cause of placental abruption.

Placental abruption can be caused by a number of factors, including:

Diagnosis of Placental Abruption

Diagnosis of Placental Abruption

If you or your healthcare expert feels something is not right and you sense that there is some unpredicted vaginal bleeding, the doctor will perform a physical examination to examine and assess the cause of bleeding and check for placental abruptions. Following are some of the possible sources/ tests to help in diagnosis. 

Treatment of Placental Abruption

Treatment of Placental Abruption

Treatment of placental abruption will depend on the stage of placental abruption. If the placenta has already separated from the uterus, it is difficult for the expert to reconnect or repair it. Therefore, proper treatment will be recommended based on:

There are several other factors that are taken into consideration:-

1) If the baby is not fully developed: 

Healthcare experts try their best by closely monitoring your pregnancy at least until you reach 34 weeks. And if your baby’s health and your health is normal and there is no bleeding then your doctor may suggest you to rest at home.

2) If the baby is fully developed or almost fully developed:

If the abruptions are mild and stable, a close monitoring may help to take the baby to fully term stage otherwise an emergency C-section might be the only option to save the mother and the baby.

Prevention of placental abruption

Prevention of placental abruption

Though in most cases you cannot prevent placental abruption. But under constant monitoring and regular visits to the doctor may help to reduce the risk of abruption. Avoid smoking, reduce stress, manage blood pressure and always take care of yourself when stepping out. 

Doctors may also suggest you to take prenatal vitamins like folic acid supplements before and during pregnancy as it helps in the development of the baby.


Because the aetiology of placental abruption is unknown, the baby’s survival is mostly determined by the severity of the abruption and the foetal age.

There is a sudden sense of contractions with discomfort and tenderness around the belly and uterus. In some cases, symptoms might even appear without any vaginal bleeding as it sometimes gets trapped in the placenta.

How long a baby can survive after the placenta has been abrupted will depend on the number of weeks the woman has been pregnant and the severity of the abruption.

Babies delivered after placental abruption might have developmental disorders in the baby post delivery later in life like cerebral palsy.

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