Things you need to know
-Labour is the hard work of delivering a baby, and it begins at some point when the fetus is considered full-term, i.e. 37 to 42 weeks gestation.
-In the third trimester, a woman might have a plug of mucus and blood fall out of the cervix or the amniotic sac ruptures (water breaking), and these are called true labour contractions.
-For first time pregnancy, it takes approximately 12-18 hours to deliver a baby and 6-9 hours in subsequent pregnancies.
Birthing complications
Birthing complications are essential to identify to ensure safe delivery. If everything goes well during your 9th month pregnancy period, then the chances of complications are rare. Still, it is normal to feel worried or stressed about the possibility that something might go wrong when you go into labour.
Labour that does not progress
Prolonged labour or labour that does not progress is when the labour period is longer than anticipated.
Possible causes of prolonged labour include:
- Slow cervical dilations
- If the size of the baby is large
- Multiple babies
- Small birth canal
It is recommended to relax your body by walking, sleeping and trying other techniques that help to relieve stress.
Foetal distress
Foetal distress is a sign that there is a possibility that your baby is not feeling well.
Possible causes of foetal distress include:
- Lack of oxygen
- Abnormal heart rate
- Low levels of amniotic fluid
It is recommended that if such a situation arises, changing positions, increasing the mother’s hydration, performing a C- section, and fluid transfusion into the amniotic cavity might help to relieve foetal distress.
Umbilical cord compression
When the tube becomes compressed or flattened, it restricts the nutrients, blood, and oxygen to reach the fetus.
Possible causes of umbilical cord compression include:
- Wrapped around baby’s neck (Nuchal cord)
- Baby’s position or movement
- The cord being abnormally long (Knotted cord)
In mild cases, your doctor might suggest you switch positions, provide sufficient oxygen to help regulate the baby’s heart rate. The final attempt would be to perform C- section to avoid further complications in severe cases.
Shoulder Dystocia
Shoulder Dystocia is a situation when the head of the baby is out but the shoulder is stuck behind the pubic bone of the mother during birth.
Possible causes of shoulder dystocia include:
- Size of the baby is too big
- Previous case of shoulder dystocia
- Case of multiple babies
- Being overweight
- If the mother has diabetes
The doctor might try to unstuck the baby through different techniques or conduct an episiotomy.
Baby’s position in womb
Not every baby is found in an ideal position for vaginal delivery. The ideal position is head down and facing your back with the chin tucked to the chest.
Change in positions include:
- Breech baby
- The abnormal position is facing forward
- Abnormal presentations include the face, brow, breech, and shoulder
As per the position, it may be necessary to manually change the fetal position, use forceps or perform a C section.
The 4 P are passage, passenger, power, position, psyche or perception.
High blood pressure, gestational diabetes, preterm labour, previous case of miscarriage, infections and breech position of the baby.
From the 39th week of pregnancy, planned caesareans are commonly performed. A caesarean may be necessary because your baby is in the breech position.