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Paediatric ophthalmology

Paediatric ophthalmology offers diagnosis & treatment of eye problems in children
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Why us for paediatric ophthalmology?

Why us for paediatric ophthalmology?
State-of-the-art Level III NICU
Special baby care unit
Expert team of neonatologists for high-risk newborns
Best-in-class care for preterm babies
Designed as a baby-friendly hospital as per WHO guidelines

The Department of neonatology and paediatrics at the CK Birla Hospital is fully furnished to provide optimal eye care to children. We are equipped to offer detection and treatment alternatives for a wide range of eye illnesses and disorders. Our team of experienced paediatricians provide compassionate care for children in a safe, home-like environment.

Our neonatologists & paediatricians

Our neonatologists & paediatricians

About paediatric ophthalmology

About paediatric ophthalmology

Paediatric ophthalmology is a specialised branch of paediatrics that concerns the detection, prevention and treatment of a wide range of illnesses & disorders affecting a child’s eyes and vision. It involves routine screening and eye checks as well as medical and surgical interventions for eye problems.

Paediatric ophthalmologists conduct eye tests, prescribe contact glasses and lenses, treat eye injuries and visual processing disorders.

Common eye diseases in children

Farsightedness – Farsightedness is a condition in which a child can easily see objects that far away but have blurry vision for nearby objects. 

Near-sightedness – Near-sightedness, also known as myopia, causes a child to see nearby objects clearly while facing difficulty in seeing far away objects. 

Cataract – Cataract is a condition that causes the clouding of a normally clear lens. Childhood cataracts are of two types – congenital and developmental cataracts. This condition can cause poor vision and wobbling eyes. 

Allergic eye disease – Allergic eye disease, also known as conjunctivitis, is the inflammation of the inner lining of the eyes caused by allergies. This can cause redness, itching and increased tears in your child’s eyes. 

Eyelid lesions – Eyelid lesions are the abnormal growth of mass on the eyes. Most lesions are benign, that is, non-cancerous. This condition is mostly seen in children at or soon after birth. 

Paediatric Ptosis – Paediatric Ptosis is a condition in which the upper eyelid in a child is lower or more drooped than it usually should be. It can affect one or both eyes in children. 

Glaucoma – Glaucoma is an umbrella term for a range of conditions that can potentially damage the optic nerve. Glaucoma is a serious condition that can cause eye blindness in children, however, it is extremely rare. 

Night blindness – Night blindness causes a child to lose their ability to see clearly under dim or poor light such as during the night. This is mostly a hereditary condition in children. 

Lazy eye – Lazy eye is also known as amblyopia. It is a highly common eye problem in children that causes reduced vision in one eye due to developmental issues. Due to weak eyesight, the affected eye moves inward causing facial asymmetry. 

Astigmatism – Astigmatism is an abnormality of the eye curvature causing blurry vision in children. 

Cortical visual impairment – Cortical visual impairment is an eye condition caused as a result of a neurological problem that affects the visual part of the brain.

Management of eye and vision problems in children

The management and treatment of the above-mentioned problems are offered through personalised protocols. Your paediatric ophthalmologist will first perform certain tests to diagnose your problem. Based on the investigations, your doctor may offer medicinal treatment or surgical correction, whichever is most effective. 

Patient testimonials

Patient testimonials



You should offer a nutritious diet to your child, promote physical activity, offer sun protection, encourage activities that involve visual development to prevent eye problems. 

The ideal screen time for a child should not be more than 2 hours a day.

You should explain the eye test and its importance to your child and welcome their fears or queries with confidence.

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