Speciality & Sub-Speciality: Immunisation
लिम्फोसाइट क्या है? लिम्फोसाइट एक विशेष प्रकार की श्वेत रक्त कोशिका है जो हमारे शरीर को संक्रमण से लड़ने में मदद करती है। वे हमारी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली का हिस्सा हैं, जो कीटाणुओं और बीमारी के खिलाफ हमारे शरीर की रक्षा करते हैं। लिम्फोसाइट क्यों आवश्यक है? लिम्फोसाइट्स वास्तव में महत्वपूर्ण हैं क्योंकि वे हमारे शरीर […]
हीमोफीलिया एक आनुवंशिक विकार है। इससे पीड़ित मरीज के खून में थक्के बनने कम हो जाते हैं जिससे मामूली चोट लगने पर भी लंबे समय तक रक्तस्राव (ब्लीडिंग) होता रहता है। यह मुख्य रूप से वंशानुगत (Hereditary) होता है, जो अधिकतर पुरुषों को प्रभावित करता है। इसके लक्षणों में मामूली चोट लगना, जोड़ों में दर्द […]
Raynaud’s disease, a condition affecting blood circulation, manifests in extreme sensitivity to cold temperatures or stress, causing the fingers, toes, and sometimes other extremities to turn white or blue and feel numb or cold. Named after the French physician Maurice Raynaud who first described it in 1862, this disorder affects millions worldwide, with various triggers […]
As winter approaches, maintaining a robust immune system becomes crucial for fending off seasonal illnesses. From dietary choices to lifestyle habits, there are numerous strategies to bolster your immunity. In this blog, we’ll explore practical tips and science-backed approaches to enhance your body’s defences during the colder months, ensuring you stay healthy and resilient in […]
Winter poses health challenges for children, with common illnesses like flu, colds, and respiratory infections. Cold weather can impact their immunity, making them more susceptible. Children spend more time indoors, increasing the risk of contagion. Proper hygiene, immunizations, and warm clothing help prevent illness. A balanced diet, adequate sleep, and staying active support overall health, […]
A virus is a small, contagious organism that can only replicate inside living cells. They are the most prevalent class of biological organisms, present in practically every habitat on Earth. NiV (Nipah virus) is a zoonotic virus (it is transmitted from animals to humans) and can also be transmitted directly between people or through contaminated […]
How does air pollution affect your health? Air pollution by default indicates that your respiratory system is bound to be affected. But the effects are not limited to just that. Here are some of the aspects that will be impacted: Impact on respiratory system: Through ambient air pollution, children and adults experience one or more […]
Why do we need breathing exercises? Who doesn’t like a breath of fresh air? And if you’re in Delhi NCR, rest assured it is on top of all the things you want all year round. But situations around us often do not allow us to breathe easily despite leading a healthy life. The top reasons […]