Wound Healing

Have you ever wondered what happens to your body when you get a cut? The wound heals, but that’s not magic. Wound healing is a natural physiological process. It starts immediately after your body is scratched and continues until the wound is successfully healed. So, what are the stages of wound healing, and how does […]

एमपॉक्स (मंकीपॉक्स) का कारण, लक्षण, रोकथाम और उपचार

कोरोनावायरस के बाद अब हर तरफ मंकीपॉक्स वायरस की चर्चा हो रही है। यह एक संक्रामक रोग है जो एमपॉक्स वायरस के कारण होता है। यह मनुष्यों और कुछ जानवरों में हो सकता है। कोरोनावायरस की तरह कुछ सावधानियां बरतकर इस संक्रामक रोग से भी बचा जा सकता है। बिलकुल सही कहा गया है कि […]

Mpox (Monkeypox): Causes, Symptoms, Prevention & Treatment

Prevention is always better than cure, especially when you don’t know how deadly the virus can be and how to treat it. As mpox (Monkeypox) cases rise in India, fear and myths about the virus are spreading at an equal pace. This leaves us unsure of what to believe and not, which leads to confusion, […]

Dr Arushi Arora

What are the Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil

What are the Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil? Are you curious why pumpkin seed oil has gained so much popularity today? Or are you eager to unlock their health benefits?  Well, pumpkin seed oil is much more than a favorable addition to salads, soups, and diets. Known for its vibrant color, aroma, and nutty […]

How to Stop Hair Fall in Monsoon

A comprehensive guide by best dermatologists in Gurgaon: Our hair hardly gets a chance to flaunt its glory in the Indian climate. Summer goes away tied up in braids, flipped into buns, and secured in ponytails, all the while being wrapped in summer friendly headgears against the raging onslaught of the heat and harsh UV […]

Monsoon Skincare Routine for Healthy Skin

While the scorching summers leave us craving for rain, the rainy season is not completely bereft of its share of problems. The most common form of these problems show up on our skin in the form of infections, rashes and so on. These skin related challenges can not only be uncomfortable to bear but can […]

Understanding Herpes: Types, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Are you experiencing sores in your genital or oral regions? If yes, it might indicate a condition called herpes, also known as the herpes simplex virus (HSV), which shows up in the form of cold sores or blisters in the oral or genital region. While there’s no cure for herpes, antiviral medications and home remedies […]

हर्पीस बीमारी क्या है? इसके कारण, लक्षण और उपाय

हर्पीस एक सामान्य वायरल संक्रमण है जो हर्पीस सिम्प्लेक्स वायरस (एचएसवी) के कारण होता है। हर्पीस वायरस के दो मुख्य प्रकार हैं: हर्पीस सिम्प्लेक्स वायरस टाइप 1 (HSV-1) और हर्पीस सिम्प्लेक्स वायरस टाइप 2 (HSV-2)। दोनों प्रकार जननांग दाद का कारण बन सकते हैं, एचएसवी-1 आमतौर पर मौखिक दाद से जुड़ा होता है, जो मुंह […]