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Rickets, what is rickets, Rickets in children, Vitamin D deficiency

What is rickets, is your child at risk

Rickets can be inherited or be caused due to diet and lifestyle. The latter is called nutritional rickets. In some cases, Vitamin ...

winter tips, winter tips for children, winter care tips for children

Tips to keep your child healthy and strong this winter

The winter season can be a lot of fun for kids but it can also be harsh on infants. We need to take extra precautions to protect c...

build strong bones in kids, how to build strong bones in kids, facts about muscles and bones for kids, Build Strong Bones, build healthy bones, kids health bones, tips for strong bones, bone strengthening foods, strengthen your kids bones

How to build strong bones in kids: A guide for parents

The best tip on how to build strong bones in kids is to offer them a healthy lifestyle by implementing one. You can inculcate bon...

Neonatology & Paediatrics
Neonatology & Paediatrics
Good Parenting Tips

Good Parenting

Good parenting leads to a vibrant and happy relationship with your child. Here are some think points for you to......

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