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What is rickets, is your child at risk
Rickets can be inherited or be caused due to diet and lifestyle. The latter is called nutritional rickets. In some cases, Vitamin ...
Tips to keep your child healthy and strong this winter
The winter season can be a lot of fun for kids but it can also be harsh on infants. We need to take extra precautions to protect c...
How to build strong bones in kids: A guide for parents
The best tip on how to build strong bones in kids is to offer them a healthy lifestyle by implementing one. You can inculcate bon...
How to build strong bones in kids: A guide for parents
The best tip on how to build strong bones in kids is to offer them a healthy lifestyle by implementing......
10 common skin rashes in children
Nearly 23.7% of children under the age of 3 years in India visit a healthcare provider for skin conditions. There......
What is rickets, is your child at risk
Rickets can be inherited or be caused due to diet and lifestyle. The latter is called nutritional rickets. In some......
Growth Development Milestones for Baby: 2022 Update
Growth and development milestones are basic physical and physiological checkpoints that a chid acquires as they grow. These milest...
Cerebral Palsy in children: A complete guide for parents
Around 15-20% of physically disabled children live with cerebral palsy. Despite the high numbers, there is a lack of awareness......
Tips to keep your child healthy and strong this winter
The winter season can be a lot of fun for kids but it can also be harsh on infants. We......
Everything to know about Flatfeet in children | Is it a cause of concern?
Did you know that almost every child is born with flat and flexible feet? During the first year of their......
Managing asthma in children | Tips to control asthma symptoms
In India, approximately 6% of children have asthma. A large number of cases go unreported or undiagnosed. In this article,......